It is believed that the best sausage is German. However, in order to taste this product you do not need to travel outside of North Ossetia. It is enough to look into our sausage shop or into one of the restaurants of the «Bavaria chain.
Our sausage products, prepared according to the company's recipe – are a real culinary masterpiece, distinguished by excellent taste. The manufacturing technology, as well as the equipment, was purchased from German specialists a few years ago. Our products include only natural meat from local farms. The perfect proportional ratio of different types of spices imported from Germany gives rise to excellent taste qualities of our products.

Today, the workshop produces eleven types of sausages from beef, pork, lamb and turkey in a natural shell. The products do not contain any stabilizers and preservatives, so their shelf life is relatively short.
Our contacts:
- Non-alcoholic and beer production
- Agricultural enterprise
- Restaurants Bavaria
- Mountain spring water «TBAU»
- Production of pet preforms and caps
- Media Center «15 Region»
- Витаминные напитки Rocket Ride
- Craft brewery «The Black Satellite»
- Tank Beer
- Concrete and mortar department
- Corporate University
- Catering
- Brand minimarkets «BEERÆ»
- Sausage manufactory
- Confectionery manufactory
- Bakery production
- Alpina Family Park
- New Jersey Cafe
- Velvet Restaurant
- Animals Cafe
- Bruges Restaurant
- Торговый центр «Галерея»