The Group of Companies «The Brewing House «Bavaria» - is the largest enterprise in the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania, whose main activities are the production of beer and non-alcoholic drinks, agriculture and restaurant business. Management policy

There are many own brands of drinks in the portfolio of «Bavaria»: beer «Bavaria» and «The Black Satellite», drinking water «TBAU», sweet drinks «Bavaria Premium», «Dreamix», ice tea «Mountea» and others. «Bavaria» produces seed potatoes of the highest quality categories and every day pleases guests with a variety of dishes in its restaurants and cafes.
All products are united by continued high quality. Our own laboratories and an efficient system of step-by-step quality control guarantee thorough control at all stages of the production cycle. The Food Safety System Certification 22000 (FSSC 22000) also certificates our products.

«Bavaria» creates more than 1,000 employments, proper rewards, growth prospects, training opportunities and a large number of social programs for employees. The company is engaged in charity and implements various social projects in the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania.
«Bavaria» means the best products for consumers and partners, a decent standard of living for employees and benefits for the region.

In 1994, a small brewery was opened on Tsalikov Street in Vladikavkaz. The mini-factory produced about 700 liters of beer of three varieties per day: Bavarian light, semi-dark and dark. Production was not mechanized, so the alcoholic drink was almost handmade. The beer was of exceptional quality, and the company quickly settled into the local market. They did not think about the name for a long time, it was taken for granted, because the factory brewed German beer using the technology of Bavarian brewers.

The restaurant «Bavaria» was opened in 2001 and very soon became a favorite place for beer connoisseurs. The interior of the restaurant is made in German style and in accordance with the traditions of the best European brew pubs: dark wood furniture, massive tables and benches as a symbol of a combination of simplicity, naturalness and comfort.

The high demand for beer from «Bavaria» led to the need to expand production. The company has signed an agreement with the Hungarian company «Agrometal» for the purchase of new equipment for the production of beer. In a short time all technological equipment, semi-automatic beer bottling lines in kegs, as well as equipment for the refrigeration and generation of compressed air were installed. Thanks to modern technology, it was possible to increase production volumes fivefold, but at the same time maintain impeccable taste qualities.

The agricultural enterprise LLC «FAT-AGRO» was founded in July 2005. It was engaged in the cultivation of wheat, corn and potatoes.

In 2007, the functioning factory from the previous address moved to the current one. In the same year, a series of soft drinks began to be produced under the brand «Bavaria». For this purpose, the company acquired bottling lines from the Italian company «Sacmi».

In August 2011, the Russian cuisine restaurant «Zhar-Ptitsa» was opened. Interesting fact is that the first guest of the new restaurant was Eduard Karsanov, who was the first to cross the threshold of the restaurant «Bavaria» on Tsalikov Street 10 years before the opening of the new restaurant.

An innovative project of the North Caucasus Regional Center for the Production of Seed Potatoes was implemented and based on the «FAT-AGRO» company, with the assistance of the Russian Potato Research Center named after A. Lorkh and Swiss Confederation’s Centre of excellence for agricultural research «Agroscope». To implement the innovative project, a biotechnological complex has been created, equipped with the most modern equipment and aimed at reproducing healthy source material. The center includes modern laboratories for micro-reproduction and immunodiagnostics of potatoes.
In the same year, the first Krones beverage bottling factory was built.

In 2014, the plastic preform and lid workshop was built. Italian specialists and the future operators of the workshop installed the equipment of the company «Sacmi». In the same year the first batch of «TBAU» water was poured. The water was named after the mountain Tbau-Hoh. The «Bavaria» Company took care of finding a source of drinking water for bottling back in 2009. Together with the geological and hydrogeological enterprise «Gidro-Plus» water samples were taken from various sources of the Kurtatinsky gorge. The samples have passed many tests because the company was looking for water that would not need additional purification and enrichment. The water from the Gusarinsky spring turned out to be perfectly suitable for the specified parameters. Since 2010, experts monitored the stability of its composition depending on the season on quarterly basis. Experts monitored the stability of its composition depending on the season. Because of the filtering layer, which is located at a depth of more than 2000 meters, the composition of the water has remained and continues to remain unchanged.

Since 2016, «Bavaria» has its own ambulance service, the only corporate ambulance in the region. Two reanimobiles, equipped with all the necessary equipment and «GLONASS» systems, were in round-the-clock readiness to help the company's employees and their families. In total, there is more than 4 thousand people.

The All-Russian Potato Field Day-2019 was held by «FAT-AGRO». About 500 people representing 47 regions of Russia took part in the large-scale event. The grand opening of a new potato storage facility for 6 thousand tons was held as part of the Potato Field Day.

The Alpina Family Park, a unique complex consisting of cozy cottages, cafe, restaurant and many entertainment locations, has opened in the village of Koban in 2020.

Popular singer Polina Gagarina became the ambassador of the «TBAU» drinking water. The image of Polina fits perfectly into the concept of our product. Like «TBAU» drinking water, Polina Gagarina is a nugget, a natural gift, a real talent among many fakes.

В конце 2022 года появился Корпоративный университет ГК ПД «Бавария». Мы убеждены, что специалисты, способные двигать копанию вперед, не приходят извне, их нужно создавать внутри компании.
Основное отличие корпоративного университета от учебного центра, который функционировал в компании многие годы, в том, что УЦ обучает и повышает квалификацию сотрудника, а корпоративный университет должен обеспечивать проактивный характер обучения и работать на перспективу - давать знания и компетенции сотрудникам с учетом стратегии развития компании.